New prospects for cooperation. Talks at the Copernicus Academy with a delegation from Taiwan

September 21, 2023

A meeting was held at the Copernicus Academy between representatives of the Taiwanese Ministry of Education and the authorities of Taiwanese higher education institutions and representatives of the largest Polish universities, including the University of Wrocław, the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and the Stanisław Staszic University of Science and Technology in Kraków. During the talks, the chairman of the delegation of the Republic of China – Vice-Minister of Education Prof. Lio Mon-Chi – signed the ‘Torun Declaration’, which guarantees freedom of scientific research, criticism and debate.

– We want to create the most favourable conditions for the further development of relations between Polish and Taiwanese universities and research centres,” said Prof. Krzysztof Górski during the meeting at the Copernicus Academy.

As the Secretary General of the AC stressed, the meeting of representatives of Polish and Taiwanese universities and representatives of the authorities of the Republic of China is an opportunity not only to make friends between representatives of the schools, but also to strengthen cooperation on the Taipei-Warsaw line. – Especially as our countries share a mutual understanding of the difficult geopolitical situation,” explained Prof. Górski.

The discussions raised the topic of cooperation in research and the possibility of joint educational activities. Brief presentations on the individual universities were followed by individual talks between representatives of the research centres.

During the meeting, the chairman of the delegation of the Republic of China – Vice-Minister of Education Professor Lio Mon-Chi – signed the ‘Torun Declaration’, which guarantees freedom of scientific research, criticism and debate.

Photo Prof. Lio Mon-Chi, Vice Minister of Education of the Republic of China, signs the ‘Torun Declaration’.

Talks between the scientific communities of Poland and Taiwan

The talks took place at the headquarters of the Copernican Academy on 20 September. The authorities of the Republic of China were represented by Deputy Minister of Education Professor Lio Mon-Chi, Director General of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Education Dr Nicole Yen-Yi Lee and Head of the Mandarin Language Unit at the Ministry of Education Canny Yi-Ken Liao. Also present at the meeting were representatives of the Taipei Representative Office in Poland, including the head of the Office, Sharon Wu.

Pictured (from left): Secretary General of the Copernican Academy – Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Górski, Director of the Copernican Academy Office – Dr. Witold Mazurek, and Vice Minister of Education of the Republic of China – Prof. Lio Mon-Chi.

Representatives from Taiwanese universities included Vice President of National Taiwan University – Prof. Liao Wan-Jiun, former President of National Cheng Kung University, Prof. of NCKU’s Department of Environment and Occupational Hygiene – Prof. Su Huey-Jen Jenny, Vice President of National Cheng Kung University – Prof. Chen Hong-Chen, Vice President of National Tsing Hua University – Prof. Lyu Ping-Chiang, Vice President of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University – Prof. Lee Chen-Yi, Vice President of National Chengchi University – Prof. Tsai Wei-Chi, Vice President of National Taiwan Normal University – Prof. Chen Kwun-Min, Vice President of National Central University – Prof. Chyi Jen-Inn, Vice President of International Affairs of National Chung Hsing University – Prof. Chou Chi-Chung, Dean of Research and Development of National Chung Hsing University – Prof. Song Jenn-Ming and Vice President of International Affairs of Taipei Medical University – Prof. Luisa Shu-Ying Chang.

The Polish side was represented by the Vice-Rector for Organisation and University Development of Wrocław University of Technology – Prof. Tomasz Nowakowski, PhD, Pro Dean for Infrastructure and Organisation of the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Sciences of Silesian University of Technology – Prof. Pol. Silesian University of Technology – prof. Śl., Dariusz Bismor, Ph.D., Deputy Rector for Education, Łódź University of Technology – prof. PŁ., Andrzej Romanowski, Ph, D., Jerzy Zając, Ph.D. and Head of the International Co-operation Department at the Cracow University of Technology – M.Sc. Katarzyna Baron-Lisiakiewicz, Deputy Dean for Co-operation and Development of the Faculty of Management at the Stanisław Staszic Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow – Prof. AGH, D.Sc. Joanna Kulczycka, Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – prof. dr hab. Michał Jerzy Zasada, Vice-Rector for Medical Affairs of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce – prof. UJK, dr hab. n.a. Dorota Kozieł and Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce – prof. Agnieszka Gałuszka, PhD, Rector of the Jagiellonian Academy in Toruń – Joanna Górska-Szymczak, PhD, Vice-Dean for Evaluation and Science of the Medical University in Białystok – Prof. Anna M. Moniuszko-Malinowska, PhD, Vice-Rector for Science and Teaching of the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow Academy. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Academy – Prof. KAAFM, Dr. Marcin Pieniążek, Prorector for Students, Education and International Cooperation of the President Stanisław Wojciechowski University of Kalisz – Dr Tatiana Manasterska, and representatives of the Łukasiewicz Research Network.

The talks with the Taiwanese delegation continued with a meeting at the Ministry of Education and Science on Thursday 21 September. The meeting was attended on behalf of the Copernicus Academy by the Secretary General, Professor Krzysztof Górski.

Pictured (from left): Secretary General of the Copernican Academy – Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Górski, Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of China – Prof. Lio Mon-Chi and Secretary of State, Government Plenipotentiary for the Development and Internationalisation of Education and Science – Tomasz Rzymkowski.