Czarnek: The European Union as a peace formula is a gigantic success, it must be fought for

September 16, 2023

– As long as Marxism did not get hold of the European Union, it functioned as it should,” said the Minister for Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek, at the opening ceremony of the College of Legal Studies at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Lublin.

The Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek, was one of the guests at the ceremonial opening of the College of Legal Studies at the Nicolaus Copernicus University which took place on 13 September in Lublin.

– It is a great moment that here in Lublin, where in 1569 the Lublin Union was established – judged differently but nevertheless pointed to as the prototype of today’s European Union – the College of Legal Sciences of the Nicolaus Copernicus University is being established. It is being established on the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus’ birth, explained Minister Czarnek.

– That is why we created the Copernican Academy, so that it would be a living monument for the 550th anniversary of Copernicus’ birth, hence the importance of this international, worldwide aspect of the Academy’s activities,” the politician further emphasised.

Tasks of the College of Law of the Nicolaus Copernicus University

During the ceremony, the Minister for Education and Science also indicated what tasks the newly established College of Legal Studies faces.

– The law college in Lublin is in no way competing with either the law faculty of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, the law faculty of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, or any law faculty of any university, Minister Czarnek explained. – The law college of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, as part of this great international monument, was established to be an elite international doctoral school to conduct research, the politician added.

– I am delighted that we are opening this law college with just such a topic – the federalisation of the European Union,” the politician stressed at the same time.

“As a peace formula, the EU is a gigantic success”.

During his speech, Minister Czarnek pointed out that the European Union, built on the basis of the European Communities, has been a gigantic success over the past few decades. – And we have the right to complain about it, but this is where we have to start,” the politician added.

– The European Union was conceived as a formula for peace,” he explained, stressing that it was not a question of national interests. – The founders of the Community created it after the dramatic experience of the Second World War in order to protect Europeans from what was decimating them, killing them – said the Minister of Education and Science. – And as a peace formula, the EU is a gigantic success, we need it very much and that is why we need to fight for it, he added.

As the politician further pointed out, there has been no war in this part of Europe, which belongs to the European Union, since 1945. – There are tensions, but there is no war in the military sense – as there is in Ukraine or happened in the first half of the 1990s in the Balkans, Minister Czarnek stressed.

“Lying is taking over the European Union”.

– The European Union functioned quite well until it was overwhelmed by stupidity, and this stupidity has to be fought in the SGMK law college. What do I call stupidity? What the previous speakers have already mentioned – Marxism. As long as Marxism did not get hold of the EU, it functioned as it should. In the meantime, the European Union has been taken over by Marxists, now called neo-Marxists,’ Minister Czarnek explained.

– Marxism, which is foolishness in itself, is a utopia that is being turned into utopianism because today it is being politically realised. It embodies something that democracy is not and it is called democracy, something that tolerance is not and it is called tolerance, something to equality is not and it is called equality – after all, that is what the communists did and that is what the national socialists did,” the politician stressed.

– Unfortunately, lies are taking over the European Union,” Minister Czarnek added.