Signing of a cooperation agreement for the development of science and transfer of knowledge between the Copernicus Academy and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

February 5, 2024

On 30 January 2024 at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki a cooperation for the development of science and knowledge transfer was established between the Copernicus University and the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the aforementioned university. The former institution was represented by its Secretary General, Prof. Dr. Krzysztof M. Górski, and the Director of the Office, Prof. Witold Mazurek, while the latter was represented by Prof. Grigoris Zarotiadis.

Both parties have expressed their willingness to support each other scientifically, organisationally and financially in the implementation of research projects, conferences, symposia and scientific seminars. A week-long economic winter camp for Central European students is planned for early March. The event will be organised by the Copernicus Academy, the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Association of Economic Universities of South-Eastern Europe in cooperation with Special Economic Zone “Starachowice” S.A. and Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. It will be attended by 40 students and several lecturers.

The meeting discussed the need to undertake interdisciplinary research with the multidimensional Trilateral Initiative as the main focus.