Prof Queloz: The Copernican revolution is still underway

February 21, 2023

Swiss astronomer Professor Didier Queloz focused on an issue closely related to the theme of the First World Copernican Congress during his presentation entitled ‘Exoplanets and Life in the Universe’.

The scientist presented an issue that expands the horizons of Copernican theory. – Copernicus revolutionised the way we perceive the world and the planets, he pointed out that our Earth, observed from the outside, is no different from any other. We have already discovered many planets, but the revolution is still ongoing. This also applies to life in the universe,’ the researcher explained.

Didier Queloz is a scientist associated with the University of Cambridge, the University of Geneva and ETH Zurich. In 2019, together with Prof. Michel Mayor, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a Sun-like star.

Professors Queloz and Mayor then received half of the award for this achievement, while the other half went to James Peebles. All three award winners were guests at the First World Copernican Congress.