New partners for the Copernicus Academy. An agreement has been signed with Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce and the “Starachowice” SEZ

July 20, 2023

– This is the first example of entering into a system of agreements that we intend to establish throughout the country,” emphasised the Secretary General of the Copernicus Academy, Professor Krzysztof Górski, when signing the agreement on cooperation between the Academy and Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce and the Starachowice Special Economic Zone.

On 19 July, the signing of cooperation agreements with two institutions – Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce and the Starachowice Special Economic Zone – took place at the Copernicus Academy.

The ceremony was attended by the Government Plenipotentiary for the Development and Internationalisation of Education and Science, Deputy Minister Tomasz Rzymkowski, Law and Justice MP for Kielce, Krzysztof Lipiec, as well as those representing the Copernicus Academy – the Secretary General, Professor Krzysztof Górski, PhD, the Director of the Copernicus Academy Office, Professor Witold Mazurek, PhD, together with his deputy Sebastian Wijas, and journalists from, among others, TVP and Polish Radio.

Prof. Górski: The primary mission of the Academy is to share knowledge

As the Academy’s Secretary General emphasised at the ceremony, the agreements signed today are only the beginning of a wider collaboration with institutions across Poland.

– This is the first example of entering into a system of agreements that we intend to establish with institutions across the country in order to realise the Academy’s principled mission of exchanging knowledge, research and technological pursuits that will be the fruit of our joint work, explained Prof. Górski.

Representing Jan Kochanowski University, the Vice-Chancellor for Development and Finance, Prof. Jarosław Karpacz, on the other hand, pointed out that the scope of research conducted by the university perfectly matches the mission of the Copernican Academy. – We are a university operating in many fields, including strictly Copernican areas – medicine, economics and management, as well as astronomy,’ explained Prof. Karpacz.

– These are areas that perfectly fulfil the Academy’s mission and I believe we will soon proceed with our resolution today,” added the Vice-Chancellor.

“The modern economy is based on cooperation between business and science”.

The other new partner of the Copernicus Academy was the Starachowice Special Economic Zone, whose CEO, Marcin Perz, emphasised at the ceremony the importance of exchanging information and experience between science and business.

– If we want to build a modern economy, we must build strong pillars of cooperation between business and science. The Academy’s mission, i.e. the promotion of the Polish scientific mission in the world, is an area that we want to absolutely exploit,” indicated Perz.

– The ‘Starachowice’ Special Economic Zone brings together 270 companies, from very different areas of economic activity, which operate with enormous human, but also scientific and achievement capital, explained the president of the ‘Starachowice’ SEZ.

“We see a strong activity of the Academy in the scientific field”.

MEP Krzysztof Lipiec also spoke during the signing of the agreements. As the politician pointed out, attention is drawn to the dynamic activities of the Academy, which, after all, only began its activities a few months ago.

– I would like to congratulate the Secretary General, Professor Górski, on the fact that such a young scientific institution as the Copernicus Academy is developing at such a rapid pace. I am full of admiration and appreciation because, after all, so recently in the Sejm we voted, on the initiative of the President, on a bill to establish the Academy, and today we can see such strong activity in the field of science, behind us is also the first Copernican Congress and the appointment of new members of the Academy – mentioned the MP.