Cooperation between science and business. Swietokrzyskie Development Forum launches on Friday

September 21, 2023

On 22 September, Kielce will host the second Świętokrzyskie Development Forum: Education-Science-Development. Copernicus Academy is the strategic partner of the event.

Talks about cooperation between research centres and businesses, an opportunity to exchange good practices and discuss opportunities for the region’s development – all this will be possible during the second edition of the Świętokrzyskie Development Forum, which will take place on 22 September in Kielce.

Science and business an opportunity for growth

In an era of accelerated globalisation and technological advances, cooperation between the worlds of science and business appears to be an essential element for economic development and effective action for society, in the local, national and global spheres.
It is also an opportunity to address global issues such as climate change or public health. – Recognising the role of the scientific world in this area, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Copernicus Academy and Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. The first area of joint activities will be research in the field of the use of artificial intelligence and its impact and applications in economic development,’ says Witold Mazurek, Ph.D., Director of the Copernicus Academy Office.

Working together for the well-being of society and the environment

During the Świętokrzyskie Development Forum: Education-Science-Business, organised by the Foundation Centre for Modern Education and the Special Economic Zone “Starachowice” S.A., the role of science in supporting business will be discussed, precisely on the basis of the potential of the Copernicus Academy and Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. – This is a potential that should finally be used. We intend to bring about a situation in which local government officials and decision-makers in the regions become increasingly aware of the potential of science,’ explained Forum initiator MEP Krzysztof Lipiec.

– In the face of the increasingly complex challenges facing society, cooperation between science and business is becoming a key tool for creating the future. Thanks to the involvement of both the worlds of science and business, we are able to jointly shape innovative solutions that will contribute to the well-being of society and the environment – emphasised Marcin Perz, President of the Special Economic Zone “Starachowice” S.A.
The second topic discussed during the Świętokrzyskie Development Forum will be the role of modern medical education in shaping regional development. This is not only the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, but also the ability to apply it in practice in a clinical environment.