‘Central banks in times of pandemic and rising energy commodity prices’. Central bank governors’ debate

February 20, 2023

On 20 February, the second day of the Copernican World Congress, a debate was held in Artus Court with the authorities of European central banks. The discussion focused on the role of central banks in the face of contemporary geopolitical challenges.

The debate ‘Central banks in times of pandemic and rising energy commodity prices’ began with an address by the President of the National Bank of Poland, Professor Adam Glapiński.

– I am extremely pleased to appear in such circumstances and at such a time. I feel truly moved,’ stressed the President of the NBP, according to whom the World Copernicus Congress as a unique event will certainly go down in history, and the Copernicus Academy established during the congress is the first university established in free Poland. – A mighty great institution. The people who contributed to the establishment of this institution will forever go down in history. In particular, Minister Przemysław Czarnek and President Andrzej Duda. These are important moments also for economics and management sciences,” added Prof Glapiński.

The President of the NBP also touched upon the cooperation between the Academy and the central bank, which is to contribute to the formation of a truly modern, global elite in the good sense of the word. – An elite in terms of the level of teaching, the level of knowledge and publications,” the economist pointed out.

The situation of central banks in times of pandemics and rising energy commodity prices was discussed in Toruń’s Artus Court, alongside the NBP President, by Martin Schlegel, Deputy Governor of the Swiss National Bank, Sandra Švaljek, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Croatia, Sergiy Nikolaychuk, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine, Simonas Krėpšta from the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Lithuania, Iliya Lingorski from the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian National Bank and Cristian Popa from the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Romania.