Signing of MoU between the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Zagreb and Copernicus Academy

May 10, 2024

On 9 May 2024, cooperation for the development of science and knowledge transfer between the Embassy of the Republic of Poland and the Copernican Academy was established at the Embassy of Zagreb. The former institution was represented by Weronika Staniec-Porczyk, Head of the Political and Economic Department, and the latter by Paweł Derecki, Head of the Administrative Department of the Copernican Academy.

The parties expressed their will to cooperate closely in the implementation of research projects, conferences, symposia and scientific seminars devoted to the life and scientific legacy of Nicolaus Copernicus.
Paweł Derecki presented the Manager with an exhibition dedicated to Copernicus for display in the Republic of Croatia and a reprint of the first edition of Nicolaus Copernicus’ De revolutionibus orbium coelestium.