On 17-18 November 2023, an international scientific conference Niccolò Copernico, Ferrara e l’università nel Rinascimento: studenti, docenti, eredità was held at the University of Ferrara. On 17 November, Prof. Krzysztof Górski, Secretary General of the Copernican Academy, and Prof. Paolo Tanganelli, Director of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Ferrara, signed a partnership agreement concerning the event and the post-conference publication. The meeting opened with a paper delivered by Prof. Krzysztof Górski Nicolaus Copernicus: life as a manifestation of virtues.

From left: Prof. Paolo Tanganelli, Prof. Marco Bresadola (University of Ferrara), Prof. Krzysztof Górski, Prof. Witold Mazurek, Prof. Mirosław Lenart, Prof. Andrzej Rynkiewicz.
In the following part, Prof Andrzej Rynkiewicz, President of the Chamber of Medical Sciences of the Copernican Academy, acting Dean of the College of Medical Sciences of the Copernican Academy with Dr Mikołaj Winnicki presented a paper Copernicus as a model of scientist in the 550th anniversary of his birth, while Prof Mirosław Lenart, Dean of the College of Philosophy and Theology of the Copernican Academy presented a speech Le carriere degli studenti polacchi dell’Università di Ferrara in Polonia.

From left: Prof. Paolo Tanganelli, Prof. Krzysztof Górski, Prof. Witold Mazurek
In the evening, the opening ceremony of the exhibition Niccolo Copernico. Pellegrinagio verso le stelle (Nicolaus Copernicus. A pilgrimage to the stars) prepared by the Academy of Copernicus and the University of Ferrara. The ceremony was opened with an address by Prof. Krzysztof Górski and Prof. Ursula Thun Hohenstein and Prof. Marc Bresadola from the University of Ferrara.

From left: Prof. Marco Bresadola; Prof. Krzysztof Górski presents the paper Nicolaus Copernicus: life as a manifestation of virtues.

From left: Prof. Ursula Thun Hohenstein (University of Ferrara, curator of the exhibition; Prof. Krzysztof Górski, Prof. Mirosław Lenart.