Prof. Rynkiewicz: We are committed to educating leaders in clinical medicine

October 4, 2023

– The most important thing is to find people who have a curiosity about the world, just like Nicolaus Copernicus. Fascination with how this wonderful world is organised and how to explain the various mechanisms,” he stressed during the ceremony of the opening of the College of Medical Sciences at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Olsztyn Acting Dean Professor Andrzej Rynkiewicz, MD, PhD.

During the ceremony at the premises of the Regional Branch of the National Bank of Poland in Olsztyn, where the newly-established centre is located, the acting Dean of the College of Medical Sciences at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Professor Andrzej Rynkiewicz, MD, PhD, spoke about the importance of Olsztyn on the academic map of Poland and the College’s plans.

First successes of the Copernicus Academy and the Nicolaus Copernicus School

In his speech, the professor thanked those involved in involving him in the activities of the Chamber of Medical Sciences and the establishment of the College of Medical Sciences at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, including MP Iwona Arent.

The scientist in charge of the College’s work also drew attention to the fast pace of organising the work within the College and the Chamber and the reputation that the activities of the Copernicus Academy and the Nicolaus Copernicus University are ensured by the Polish and foreign experts working with these institutions.

Prof. Rynkiewicz mentioned, among other things, the presence of five Nobel Prize winners at the first World Copernican Congress, which took place in February in Toruń. – I was very impressed that the Congress was held with the participation of five Nobel Prize winners! It happens really rarely,’ he stressed.

Plans of the College of Medical Sciences

– At the College, we are committed to educating leaders in clinical medicine,” the professor further pointed out.

– The most important thing is to find people who have a curiosity about the world, just like Nicolaus Copernicus. A fascination with how this wonderful world is organised and how to explain the different mechanisms,” added the scientist, stressing that progress in medical science is very fast and requires constant further training.

Prof Rynkiewicz also explained that the figure of Nicolaus Copernicus is recognised all over the world and opens doors to talks and meetings with top-class experts. – When I was recently at a congress in the United States and someone asked where I was from, at first I replied that I was from Olsztyn – no one knew where that was. I tried with Warmia and Masuria – here it was even worse, when I said East Prussia – that already told some people something. But finally I said that I was from the town where Copernicus worked and I was already a friend to them, the door opened, I am a scientist from a free country who can cooperate with them,” the researcher reported.