Prof Peebles: there are two paths we can take when trying to understand the expansion of the universe

February 23, 2023

On the first day of the Copernican World Congress guests were able to listen, among other things, to a speech by Nobel Prize winner, Canadian astronomer and cosmologist Prof. Phillip James E. Peebles.

The scientist spoke about possible directions for astronomy and cosmology. – We have evidence that the universe has expanded, this expansion has been well described by Einstein’s theory of relativity. We know that the universe contains dark matter, which is still a great unknown to us,’ explained Prof Peebles, while emphasising that the aforementioned theory of relativity is a good approximation of reality.

– But with the fact that tremendous progress has been made, we must also be aware that this is an approximation,” added the scientist.

As the physicist went on to explain, since there is no such thing as absolute truth in the natural sciences, researchers are constantly trying to bring about the deepening of already existing theories and make further discoveries.