General Assembly
This is the highest authority of the Copernican Academy. It is composed of all members of the Academy.
It operates through ordinary and extraordinary meetings, convened by the Secretary General.
The Assembly’s tasks include:
- Determining the directions of the Academy’s operation.
- Exercising supervision over all of its activities.
- Issuing opinions on candidates for members of the AK indicated by the individual Chambers, along with submitting their candidacies to the President of the Republic.
- Selecting candidates for the positions of Secretary General of the Academy and Rector of Nicolaus Copernicus University.
- Adoption of annual financial statements with a report on research and reports on the activities of the Academy, presented by the Secretary General.
- Adoption of the Academy’s Principles of Ethics.

Presidium of the Copernican Academy
It consists of the Secretary General of the Academy (who is the Chairman of the Presidium) and the presidents of all the Chambers of the Academy. The Presidium may be supported in an advisory capacity by the Rector of Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School, the Director of the Nicolaus Copernicus Research Center and persons invited by the Secretary General of the AK.
The Presidium performs the tasks designated by the provisions of the Law and is a body supporting the Secretary General in his activities.
Office of the Copernican Academy
It provides administrative and organizational services for the Academy. It is managed by the Director, appointed by the Secretary General through a competitive process.
Chambers of the Copernican Academy
The names and scope of activities of the Chambers correspond to the areas of interest and achievements of Nicolaus Copernicus – the most eminent Polish scientist and patron of the Copernican Academy
- Chamber of Astronomy and Mathematical and Natural Sciences,
- Chamber of Medical Sciences,
- Chamber of Economic and Management Sciences,
- Chamber of Philosophy and Theology,
- Chamber of Legal Sciences,
- Chambers of the Laureates of the Copernican Awards – planned.

General Secretary

Members of Nicolaus Copernicus Academy Chambers
Tory K. Baucum (USA)
Born in 1960 in the USA, he was an Anglican pastor in the USA and worked as a Professor at George Mason University, Fairfax. After converting to Catholicism, he became actively involved in ecumenical activities and is in charge of the Peace Institute for interreligious dialogue. He is also active in both scholarly and journalistic publishing. Tory K. Baucum also works to support families by running the Benedictine Centre for Family Life in Kansas City.
Barry Barish (USA)
Born 1936 in the USA, the child of Jewish immigrants from Poland (Polesie). He obtained his PhD at the University of California, Berkeley, and was subsequently associated with CALTECH in Pasadena. He is an experimental physicist, working mainly on high energies and gravitational waves. He played a pioneering role in underground experimental research in the Grand Sasso cave in Italy and led the research of the LIGO Observatory.
He was one of three Nobel Prize winners in 2017 and is the recipient of numerous international prizes and awards in physics and astronomy.
Nigel Biggar (United Kingdom)
Born in 1955 in the UK, he is an Anglican pastor and obtained a PhD in theology from the University of Chicago. On his return to England, he is affiliated with the University of Oxford, where he deals with Christian ethics. He is a canon of Oxford Cathedral. At the University of Oxford, he is leading the Ethics and Empire project, in which he and his team are investigating the ethical aspects of the functioning of the British Empire.
Mariano Bizzarri (Italy)
Born in 1957 in Italy, he obtained his doctorate at La Sapienza University in Rome. He has been associated with this university throughout his career. His research interests focus on experimental medicine, biomedicine, space medicine. Mariano Bizzarri is a member and leader of many international research teams. He is also a member of many medical international organisations, including space exploration-related bodies.
Rev. Paweł Bortkiewicz (Poland)
Born in 1958 in Poland, he obtained his PhD and habilitation in theology at the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw. He worked at that Academy, then moved to work at the Faculty of Theology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. He held the position of dean of this faculty.
His interests focus on moral theology and theology of spirituality. He is the author of many monographs in these areas.
He is a member of the Society of Christ for the Polish Diaspora Abroad.
Conor Casey (United Kingdom)
Born in 1993 in Northern Ireland, he obtained his PhD in 2020 from Trinity College Dublin. He is currently affiliated with the University of Liverpool.
His research interests focus on constitutional law issues. He collaborates with Yale University Law School in this area.
Conor Casey is the author of dozens of significant academic papers focusing on issues of so-called common good constitutionalism.
Gianfranco De Zotti (Italy)
Born in 1947 in Italy, he obtained his doctorate in physics at the University of Padua, with which he is permanently affiliated (he was, among other things, Director of the Astronomical Observatory of this University). He has also worked at the NASA Godard Center in Washington, D.C., the European South Laboratory in Garching (near Munich).
Gianfranco De Zotti sits on the leadership bodies of ESA (European Space Agency) and many international scientific organisations.
He is a member of many international research teams.
Adam Dziki (Medical University, Łódź)
Born in 1952 in Poland, he obtained his doctorate (1980) and habilitation (1992) at the Military Medical Academy in Lodz. He is still affiliated with this university today.
He is a surgeon of internationally recognised scientific reputation and a member of many international medical organisations. He is a member of editorial teams of many Polish and foreign scientific publications.
Adam Dziki is currently chairman of the Medical Sciences Group of the Council for Scientific Excellence.
George Efstathiou (United Kingdom)
Born in 1955 in the UK, he obtained his doctorate at Durham University. He worked at the University of California, Berkeley, then at the Oxford and Cambridge Universities. He was the first director of the Kavli Institute for Cosmology in Cambridge.
He is the discoverer of many significant phenomena related to the origins of the Universe and has pioneered computer simulations of the formation of the structure of the cosmos. He is involved in research on black energy.
George Efstathiou is the recipient of many international awards (including the Gruber Prize) and accolades, and is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, which awarded him the Gold Medal.
Bernardo Estrada (Colombia)
Born in 1950 in Colombia, he obtained his PhD in biblical theology at the University of Navarra in Spain in 1993. He was for many years affiliated with the Pontifical University of Santa Croce in Rome where he held many administrative positions. He is an eminent and recognised specialist in New Testament theology. His scholarly monographs and articles in this field are widely recognised. Bernardo Estrada is currently employed at the Universidad de la Sabana in Bogotá.
Sławomir Gawroński (Poland)
Doctor of Social Sciences habilitated in Political Sciences, Doctor of Humanities in Political Sciences, Sławomir Gawroński is professor in the Department of Media, Journalism and Social Communication, Dean of the College of Media and Social Communication at the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów.
Graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Rzeszów (2002) and from Executive MBA – Apsley Business School London, he completed postgraduate studies in “Internal Audit”. He also studied at the Faculty of Linguistic and Literary Studies and the Faculty of Economics at the University of Trier (Germany) and is a member of the Committee on Social Communication and Media Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Sławomir Gawroński is a former radio and newspaper journalist. He focuses his research interests on non-business areas of marketing communication use. He is an editor-in-chief of the scientific journal “Social Communication. Online Journal’, and author of dozens of publications on social communication and mass media issues.
Grzegorz Gielerak (Poland)
Born in 1967 in Poland, he has been affiliated with the Military Medical Institute since 1993. He obtained his doctorate (1998) and habilitation (2005) there. He has been the director of the Military Medical Institute since 2007.
He has been a Lieutenant General since 2022.
Grzegorz Gielerak is a specialist in internal medicine and cardiology. He has received numerous awards for his scientific and organisational achievements.
Fabrizio Giulimondi (Italy)
Born in 1964 in Italy, he is affiliated with La Sapienza University in Rome, where he holds the position of Professor. He specialises in the field of administrative law and comparative constitutional law. He is a member of international research teams. Fabrizio Giulimondi is involved in the activity of private and public institutions. He is the author of more than 100 scientific publications.
Adam Glapiński (Poland)
Born in 1950 in Warsaw, he graduated from the Main School of Planning and Statistics in Warsaw (now the Warsaw School of Economics) in 1972 and has been affiliated with this university as a lecturer since 1974. He is Professor of Economic Sciences and Head of the Department of Political Economy and History of Economic Thought at the SGH Collegium of Management and Finance.
Since the early 1990s, he has held a range of important positions in public administration. In 2010, he became a member of the Monetary Policy Council. 29 February 2016, President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda appointed him as a member of the Management Board of the National Bank of Poland (NBP). On 10 June 2016, he was designated by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland as the President of the National Bank of Poland.
On 12 May 2022, he was redesignated by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland for a second term as President of the National Bank of Poland. He took office on 22 June 2022 after being sworn in by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland.
Wacław Gudowski (Poland)
Born in 1951 in Poland, he is a nuclear physicist, pioneer of European research on transmutation of waste and nuclear materials in accelerator-controlled systems (ADS). He is also a distinguished expert in nuclear safety.
He led the Swedish Nuclear Energy Centre, was Executive Deputy Director of the International Science and Technology Centre in Moscow on behalf of the European Commission (2006 – 2011), and is currently employed at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. He is a renowned expert of the International Atomic Energy Agency and author of a very large number of publications on nuclear energy.
Masashi Hazumi (Japan)
Born in 1964, he obtained his PhD from the University of Tokyo in 1993. He is affiliated with the University of Tokyo and the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (KEK). He is also associated with the Japan Aerospace Agency (JAXA). In the agency, he is currently heading the Lite BIRD project, which brings together nearly 200 scientists.
Masashi Hazumi has been involved in many other international research and space projects. He is the recipient of numerous international awards and prizes. He is also the author of more than 400 scientific publications.
Robert Holzmann (Austria)
Born in 1949 in Austria, he is an Austrian economist, President of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank and a member of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (since 2019), and a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (since 2014). He holds honorary positions at South-Western University in Economics and Finance in Chengdu, the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur and the University of New South Wales in Sydney.
Prior to rejoining his academic work in 2011, he held several positions at the World Bank, including 12 years as a Department Head and Acting Senior Vice President. Prior to joining the World Bank in 1997, he worked at universities in Austria and Germany, and was also a senior economist at the IMF and OECD.
He is the author of 39 books and more than 200 papers on financial, fiscal, and economic policy issues. He has visited more than 90 countries around the world.
Thomas J. Jordan (Switzerland)
Born in 1963 in Switzerland, he graduated in Economics and Management from the University of Bern in 1989, where he also obtained his PhD in 1993. He prepared his habilitation thesis during a three-year research study at the Department of Economics at Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA). In 1998 he was hired as a lecturer and since 2003 as an honorary professor at the University of Bern. He teaches monetary theory and policy.
In 1997, Thomas J. Jordan joined the Swiss National Bank in Zurich as an economic adviser in the I Department. Two years later, he became deputy head of the Economic Studies Department and in 2002 became head of the Research Department. At the beginning of 2004, he was promoted to Director. In mid-2004, by decision of the Swiss Federal Council, he was appointed deputy member of the Executive Board of the Swiss National Bank. In this capacity, he also headed the Financial Markets Division in Department III (money and foreign exchange markets, asset management, risk management and financial market analysis). In May 2007, the Swiss Federal Council appointed Thomas J. Jordan as a member of the Executive Board of the Swiss National Bank. At the same time, he assumed the position of Director of Department III (financial markets, banking operations and information technology). At the beginning of 2010, by decision of the Federal Council, he was appointed Deputy Governor of the Executive Board of the Swiss National Bank and took charge of Department II in Bern (financial stability, cash trading, finance, and risks). On 18 April 2012, by decision of the Board of Directors of the Swiss National Bank, Thomas J. Jordan was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Swiss National Bank assuming the management of Department I in Zurich (economic affairs, international monetary cooperation, legal service and proprietary economy, general secretariat). He served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the “StabFund” – the stabilisation fund of the Swiss National Bank – from its establishment in 2008 until its termination in 2013.
Thomas J. Jordan is a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel and the Steering Committee of the Financial Stability Board (FSB). As Governor of the Swiss National Bank, he represents Switzerland at the International Monetary Fund and is also Chairman of the G10 Central Bank Group on Stopping Counterfeit Currency (CBCDG). Thomas J. Jordan is a member of the Advisory Board of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Zurich and a member of the Supervisory Board of the ETH Zurich Foundation. He is the author of numerous papers on monetary theory and monetary policy in recognised foreign journals.
Elżbieta Karska (Poland)
Born in 1977, she obtained her PhD at the University of Wrocław (2004) and her habilitation (2010). She is currently affiliated with the Cardinal S. Wyszynski University in Warsaw. She specialises in international law and cooperates with the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights in Vienna. She is the author of more than 100 scientific publications in the field of international law.
Marta Kightley (Poland)
Born in 1978 in Poland, she is a Professor in the Department of Political Economy, Law and Economic Policy at the Warsaw School of Economics.
She worked in the diplomatic service from 2007 to 2010.
On 28 February 2020, the President of the Republic of Poland appointed her as a member of the Management Board of the National Bank of Poland starting from 8 March 2020.
Zbigniew Krysiak (Poland)
Born in 1960 in Poland, he received his PhD in 2004 and his habilitation in 2015 from the Warsaw School of Economics. He has been professionally affiliated with this university since 1999. His research concerns business valuation with a focus on banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions, capital markets and capital and risk management. He has worked with large corporations and advised major public institutions in Poland.
Zbigniew Krysiak is the author of more than 140 publications and more than 100 scientific reviews. He is a Visiting Professor at universities in the USA and India.
He is Chairman of the Programme Council of the Institute of Schuman’s Thought.
Anna Łabno (Poland)
Born in 1954, she obtained her PhD (1985) and habilitation (1997) at the University of Silesia. Her scientific interests include Polish and comparative constitutional law, in particular systems of governance with consideration of mechanisms of systemic transformations in modern states; establishment of foundations of democratic system (including construction of civil society) in post-authoritarian states, in Portugal and Spain as well as in Poland; and issues of protection of human rights.
Ewa Marcinowska – Suchowierska (Poland)
Born in 1948 in Poland, she is affiliated with the Medical Centre for Postgraduate Education in Warsaw, where she obtained her doctorate (1979) and habilitation (1988).
She specialises in internal medicine and geriatrics. She is the author of more than 300 scientific publications in this speciality. Ewa Marcinowska – Suchowierska is a recognised international authority on bone diseases (especially osteoporosis) and is a member of many national and international associations.
Leszek Markuszewski (Poland)
Born in 1963 in Poland, he was for many years affiliated with the Military Medical Academy in Łódź, where he obtained his PhD (1997) and habilitation (2011).
He was Chief Physician of the Prison Service and Director of the National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation in Warsaw. Since 2020, he has been affiliated with the University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, where he created and leads the Faculty of Medicine.
Leszek Markuszewski holds specialisations in six medical disciplines and is a member of many medical organisations and associations. He is a colonel in the Polish Army.
Hans Joachim Meyer (Germany)
Born in Germany in 1948, he remains affiliated with Georg August Universität Göttingen, where he obtained his PhD in 1972. He received his habilitation in 1981 at the Medical University of Hannover. He was also associated with the University of Cologne Teaching Hospital for many years.
He is a surgeon of outstanding international standing and president of the German Association of Surgeons (2012 – 2022). He also specialises in oncological and laparoscopic surgery. Hans Joachim Meyer has authored or co-authored more than 600 scientific publications.
He is a member of several prestigious national and international medical associations.
Cardinal Gerhard Müller (Germany)
Born in 1947 in Germany, he obtained his PhD and habilitation at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau. He worked at the Ludwig and Maximilian University in Munich. He is the author of several hundred works on theology, focusing on ecumenism, the modern understanding of Revelation and theological hermeneutics. He was bishop of Regensburg, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and is a cardinal of the Catholic Church.
Marius Ostrowski
Born in 1988 in Germany, he obtained his PhD in 2017 from Oxford University.
He specialises in the history of ideas and the history of democratic institutions in Europe. Currently employed at the European University Institute in Florence (R. Schuman Centre), he deals with issues related to the impact of social development on the evolution of democratic ideas and institutions.
He is the author and co-author of significant monographs, scientific articles, chapters in monographs, reports, and studies.
James E. B. Peebles (USA)
Born in 1935 in Canada, he is a Canadian-American astrophysicist and cosmologist. He obtained his PhD at Princeton University, where he continued his scientific career in the following years. He is the author of many significant scientific discoveries in astronomy in particular relating to the explanation of the Big Bang theory, as well as considerations concerning ‘black matter’ and ‘black energy’. He is also the creator of many concepts that formed the ideological framework for the scientific pursuits of many scientists. His inspirational role in this field, is widely recognised in the astronomical community worldwide.
He was awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize for his achievements, in recognition of his theoretical discoveries on cosmology. He has also received many other prestigious awards and honours, and is a member of the American Academy of Sciences and Arts and the National Academy of Sciences.
Leon Podkaminer (Poland)
Born in 1945 in Poland, he received his PhD from the University of Oxford and his habilitation from the Kraków University of Economics. He worked at the Institute of Agricultural Economics at Oxford University and at the Polish Academy of Sciences. He is an Emeritus Research Fellow of the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, with which he has been affiliated since 1993. His research has focused on economic policy, macroeconomic analysis, exchange rates, consumption patterns, and relative prices. The countries of his expertise are Poland and the Czech Republic. Leon Podkaminer is an outstanding analyst of the convergence processes of European economies at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Didier Queloz (Switzerland)
Born in 1966 in Switzerland, he obtained his PhD at the University of Geneva and is currently working both at his alma mater and at the University of Cambridge.
Together with Michel Mayor, he was the discoverer of the first extrasolar planet orbiting a Sun-like star.
He received the Nobel Prize with M. Mayor in 2019, for the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star.
He is the recipient of many international awards and prizes, and a member of many international research teams.
Mansur Rahnama-Hezavah (Iran)
Born in 1960 in Iran, he obtained his PhD and habilitation at the Medical University of Lublin. He has been affiliated with this university for the entire period of his activity in Poland. Mansur Rahnama-Hezavah is an outstanding specialist in dental surgery, president of the Polish Association of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery. He participates in international research teams.
Leszek Roszkowski (Poland)
Born in 1957 in Poland, he obtained his PhD at the University of California, Davis, and his habilitation in 1993 at the Jagiellonian University.
He is a physicist who specializes in astrophysics and cosmology of elementary particles, in particular the Higgs boson, “new physics” and dark matter in the Universe.
He is currently the head of an international research team within the M. Copernicus Astronomical Centre, leading the international research team ASTROCENT. Leszek Roszkowski is the initiator and chairman of the steering committee of the international COSMO conference series. He is the author or co-author of more than 100 publications in international scientific journals including several review papers published in Physics Reports and Reports on Progress in Physics.
Wawrzyniec Marek Rymkiewicz (Poland)
Born in 1971 in Warsaw, he is a Polish philosopher, publisher, and translator of the works of Charles Baudelaire, Guillaume Apollinaire, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, and Martin Heidegger.
In 2000, he presented his PhD dissertation „The Problem of Human Identity in Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time” at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw. In 2016, he was awarded a postdoctoral degree.
He is an Assistant Professor at the Department of the History of Polish Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, founder and editor-in-chief of the quarterly journal “Kronos” and Chairman of the Council of the Count August Cieszkowski Foundation.
He is interested in German philosophy, especially the ideas of Schelling, Nietzsche, and Heidegger, with a special focus on their relation to classical Greek philosophy, especially Aristotle. His interests also include Polish philosophy and the history of the Polish language, from which he derives extensively in his work as a translator, aiming to develop Polish philosophical terminology.
Andrzej Rynkiewicz (Poland)
Born in 1952 in Poland, he obtained his doctorate and habilitation at the Medical Academy in Gdańsk. He was affiliated with the Academy for many years and is currently working at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. He has worked in many European clinics. Andrzej Rynkiewicz is a specialist in cardiology and internal medicine. He is President of the Polish Cardiac Society and a member of many national and international research teams and medical associations.
Marek Sarna (Poland)
Born in 1955 in Poland, he obtained his PhD and habilitation at the University of Warsaw. Currently associated with the CAMK, which he headed for 16 years.
He is a co-founder of the SALT Large South African Telescope and a member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation managing the project. He also sits on the governing bodies of the European Southern Observatory (the European Council of Organisations for Scientific Research in the Southern Hemisphere) in Garching and the European Space Agency. Marek Sarna is also President of the Polish Astronomical Society. He is a member of the Council of the Polish Space Agency.
Adam T. Stys (USA)
Born in 1966 in Poland, he is a professor of medicine at the Sanford Cardiovascular Institute at the Sanford School of Medicine (University of South Dakota).
He is a prominent specialist in internal medicine, in particular an internationally recognised specialist in cardiology. Adam T. Stys is heading a cardiology clinic with an internationally recognised reputation. He is a cardiology consultant to a number of American cardiology clinics and a member of more than a dozen important cardiology associations in the US and abroad. He is an American citizen.
Huey-Jen Su (Taiwan)
Born in Taiwan, she studied in the USA, where she obtained her PhD in public health from the School of Public Health at Harvard University. She is affiliated with National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, where she has headed the Department of Environment and Public Health for many years. She is a member of many international research teams and is also involved in the functioning of public health institutions.
Marian Szymczak (Poland)
Born 1955 in Poland, he obtained his PhD and habilitation at the Copernicus University in Toruń. He has worked at the Copernicus Astronomical Centre and currently at the Copernicus University. He has collaborated with many astronomical centres abroad (e.g., Paris Observatory, Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy). Marian Szymczak is a radio astronomer; his primary research interests include mass radiation problems and the study of massive star formation processes using radio interferometry methods. In this field he is author or co-author of many internationally recognised scientific publications. He is also a Member of the International Union of Radio Science.
Fr. Marcin Tkaczyk (Poland)
Born in 1976 in Poland, he obtained his PhD and habilitation at the Catholic University of Lublin in logic. He was Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Vice-Chancellor of the Catholic University of Lublin.
His scientific interests focus on logic, philosophy and theology. He is the author of many significant international publications in this area.
Dariusz Tworzydło (Poland)
Born in 1974 in Brzozów, Polish economist, he obtained a postdoctoral degree in social sciences in the Media Science. Professor at the University of Warsaw, expert in economics, social research and public relations.
He is a graduate of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Kraków University of Economics, WSB – National Louis University, Rzeszów University of Technology, and London School of Public Relations courses.
Since 2017, he has been the Head of the Department of Social Communication and Public Relations at the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Bibliology at the University of Warsaw, and the Dean’s Plenipotentiary for Promotion of the Faculty of Journalism Information and Bibliology. Dariusz Tworzydło has been conducting research on crisis management, the public relations market, including the PR agency sector, the role of the media in the communication process, cyber security, and disinformation.
Andrzej Udalski (Poland)
Born in 1957, he obtained his PhD and habilitation at the University of Warsaw. He remains affiliated with this university throughout his scientific career, having been director of the UW Astronomical Observatory for many years.
He took part in the implementation of the Warsaw Telescope project at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. Together with the OGLE (Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment) group, he is the co-discoverer of more than 30 extrasolar planets detected by gravitational microlensing.
Andrzej Udalski is a recipient of the Dan David Prize, and a foreign member of the US National Academy of Sciences.
Adrian Vermeule (USA)
Born in 1968 in the USA, he graduated from Harvard Law School, worked as a law professor at the University of Chicago Law School and then at Harvard Law School. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Adrian Vermeule specialises in the areas of constitutional law and administrative law. He is the promoter of the concept of so-called common good constitutionalism. His monograph on the subject, has been regarded as one of the most important developments in American constitutionalism theory in recent decades. He is the author of several highly acclaimed academic monographs.
Manuele Vescovi (Italy)
He was born in 1970 in Padua. He obtained his doctorate in law from the University of Bologna.
He was involved for many years in large Italian companies.
Manuele Vescovi held various positions in the regional government of the Tuscany region. He was a senator of the Italian Republic.
He is co-founder and one of the creators of Accademia Federale project, which trains political leaders in the Italian Republic.
Rev. Ireneusz Werbiński (Poland)
Born in 1950 in Poland, he obtained his PhD at the Catholic University of Lublin in theology of spirituality. He also obtained his habilitation in this discipline at the Academy of Catholic Theology. He worked at this university at the Faculty of Theology and then co-founded the Faculty of Theology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. He is currently affiliated with the Jagiellonian Academy in Toruń.
His research interests focus on hagiology, psychology, and pedagogy.
Piotr Wilczek (Poland)
Born in 1962 in Poland, he obtained his PhD and habilitation at the University of Silesia in Katowice. He worked at this university and then at the University of Warsaw, where he headed the Research Centre for Reformation and Intellectual Culture in Early Modern Europe. His research focuses on issues of culture, literature, philosophy, and religiosity in 16th – 17th century Europe.
He has been active in diplomatic service as Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Washington DC and currently in London.
Arthur B. Mc Donald (Canada)
Born in 1943 in Canada, he is a physicist and obtained his PhD from CALTECH. He worked at Princeton University, CERN Laboratory in Geneva, Oxford University and Los Alamos.
He directs the Sudbury Neutrino Laboratory, an underground particle research laboratory. His research focuses on the elementary particle phenomenon.
Arthur B. Mc Donald and his team were awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015 for their achievements.
He is the recipient of many international awards and prizes, and a member of many international research teams.