“Is the federalisation of the European Union a threat to Poland and Europe?”. Day 2 of the conference [TRANSMISSION]

September 14, 2023

We invite you to watch the broadcast of the second day of the conference devoted to various aspects of the European Community’s federalisation process and their impact on the stability and development of the European Union.

How does the direction of change in the EU affect Poland and the entire continent? Is Community federalisation an opportunity or a threat to Warsaw’s position in Europe? An academic conference is underway in Lublin at which Polish and foreign experts will address the subject of the federalisation of the European Union by analysing the consequences of this process. The event is held under the official patronage of the Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Chernak.


On Thursday, lectures will be given, among others, by the coordinator of the expert faculty of the Nicolaus Copernicus Research Centre, Prof. Grzegorz Górski (Jagiellonian Academy), and the dean of the College of Legal Sciences of the Nicolaus Copernicus School, Prof. Fabrizio Giulimondi (Universita La Sapienza, Roma).

You are cordially invited to follow the broadcast of the event on our website.